Move fast and make things — Introducing Cheatcode

Hello Reader,

Dave here, I think I have something that could be a game-changer for you.

Remember all those brilliant ideas you’ve had that never quite made it off the ground? Or those moments when you felt your ADHD was holding you back in business? Well, what if I told you that your ADHD could actually be your secret weapon?

I’m excited to announce our new Cheatcode Bootcamp - an 8-week program designed specifically for ADHD entrepreneurs like you. Here’s the deal:

  • It turns your ADHD into an unfair competitive advantage (no coding required!)
  • You’ll learn to turn on your hyperfocus on demand, potentially boosting your productivity by 300%+ (I know it’s an outrageous claim, but it’s what our test students already reported).
  • Imagine getting 40 hours of work done in just 4 hours - that’s the power of Cheatcoding.

The best part? You’ll be part of a cohort of ADHD entrepreneurs who get it. No more feeling like the odd one out - here, your unique brain is your superpower.

David and I both have ADHD, and we both benefit a lot from the methods we’ll show you in Cheatcode.

It’s what we use to get weeks of work done in hours. (We went from idea to live landing page in less than a day)

You might be wondering: “Wait a minute, you guys were teaching AI. Where is this ADHD thing coming from?”

Let me explain.

In February, we started running a Product-Market Fit survey with an outstanding 64% “Very Disappointed” result (above 40% means you achieved Product-Market Fit) but we were struggling to really get to the core of our ideal customer and our main value proposition.

We could only find vague terms like “Think faster” “Save Time” “Work Less” etc. The generic “productivity” positioning that’s not really strong, and we’ve seen it on our course sales as well.

There was only one common denominator among all of our High Expectations Customers: they ALL have ADHD.

Which at first we thought was a coincidence, but then it clicked.

If you have ADHD, the main thing you struggle with is Executive Dysfunction. You want to be productive and concentrate on a task, but you can’t turn your hyperfocus on.

So typical ADHD symptoms appear: procrastination, anxiety, distractions, self-doubt, low self-esteem, negative self-talk, all that jazz. (Talking from experience)

And you feel jealous about neurotypical people who can just get in the FLOW state whenever they want to.

So our main enemy is Executive Dysfunction. I heard a lecture that has a hilarious analogy for Executive Dysfunction.

The lecturer, Dr. Thomas E. Brown explains ADHD like this:

“Having ADD is like having erec**le dysfunction of the mind. If the task you’re trying to do is something that turns you on, you’re up for it and you can perform. But if the task you’re trying to do is not something that’s intrinsically interesting, if it doesn’t turn you on, you can’t get it up. And if you can’t get it up, you’re not going to be able to perform. And in that situation, it does not matter how much you may say to yourself, I need to, I really want to, I should. You can’t make it happen because it is simply not a willpower kind of thing.”

So the main difference between the flow state vs. ADHD hyperfocus is that neurotypical people could get into a flow state using a certain formula, while ADHD people couldn’t get into hyperfocus.

Until now.

Because the reason that most of our students have ADHD is that because AI can finally get you into hyperfocus.

Because if you “can’t get your mind up” you can just start talking to the AI. And the AI becomes an extension of your prefrontal cortex, you talk to it for a while and that triggers your hyperfocus to get things done.

And then a few hours later you’ve done weeks of work with it, because it is up to speed to how fast you think (lot faster than how you can speak or write things down).

So AI leans into the ADHD superpower.

And it helps with another thing: the mundane tasks.

Because the repetitive things that kill your soul and you don’t want to do, you can just automate with a combination of no-code tools and AI.

This combination and our unique process is what we call Cheatcoding.

Because it does feel like a cheatcode to get all of these brilliant (or not so brilliant) ideas out of your head onto digital paper and make the ideas take shape fast, so you can see them fully, discard the crap and take action fast on the good ones.

Move fast and make things.

So I’d like to invite you to join the first ever cohort of Cheatcode, an 8-week program designed specifically for ADHD entrepreneurs to turn on their hyperfocus on demand.

Now, here are a few important details you should now:

  1. We’re only accepting 20 people at the early-bird price, that’s 50% off the regular price.
  2. After those spots are filled, the price goes up by 20%
  3. The next cohort will start at the full intended price so this is a one-time opportunity to join us as an early tester.

The bootcamp starts on September 9th, and I think you’d be perfect for it. You can find all the details about the Cheatcode Bootcamp here.

Can’t wait to see you in there.

P.S. We have a “Show Your Work” refund guarantee. If you do all the exercises and still can’t create AI agents by the end, we’ll refund you. No risk, all reward. Become a Cheatcoder.

P.P.S. Got any questions about this program? Please let us know by replying to this email and we'll get back to you ASAP.

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