
Promptmaster Newsletter

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Avoid these 5 mistakes when using ChatGPT

Read time: 3 minutes Hey Reader, It is one thing to know the potential of AI Language models like ChatGPT or Claude, but it's also important to know their limitations. In this email, I want to show you 5 things you should avoid when using ChatGPT (or Claude or Gemini or LLama, etc.) 1/ Treat it like a know-it-all search engine ChatGPT is not a search engine. It is simply a very expensive predictive keyboard. All it does is it just guesses what's the best next word to say in a scenario. It...

Custom Chatbot for your website

Hey Reader, One of the most common requests I hear from clients is that they want a custom version of ChatGPT for their business that uses their knowledge. Whether it's a chatbot on their website, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. all they want is to have it use their knowledge. So in this email, I want to teach you how to build such a thing. I just created a custom chatbot for my website in 40 minutes, you can give it a try on this website (chatbot bubble in bottom right corner). It has access to...

Hey Reader, Today, I wanna showcase a huge win from a student, who saved over 100 hours with an AI automation he built. He shared this with our community last week and I think it's one of the biggest student wins that we know of. So here are Tudor's words (my highlights): The challenge: Introducing 450 new products to an online store with only the product photos available. No descriptions, no meta tags, no attributes—just images. Our solution: A custom automation tool that analyzed each image...

Read time: 3 minutes Hey Reader, It's been a while since I last wrote this newsletter to you. The last few weeks have been hectic, and I only now have some time to sit down and focus on teaching. 4 steps to succeed in AI in 2024 With over 12,000+ AI tools online, and all these new language models that are coming out, it might feel hard to stay updated. Let alone if we think about the new image and video generative models, voice cloning tools and use-case specific tools like AI integrations in...

Hey Reader, As David decided to leave Promptmaster as of today I’d like to say a few words. We sent out an email about it, you can also read the blog post version of the announcement here. I am sad to see him go. He has been an irreplaceable member of our team, and a supportive friend. His departure presents new challenges, but as the new CEO of Promptmaster, I am fully focused and determined to advance our shared vision: teaching the world to use AI and preparing humanity for AGI. I wish...

Hello Reader, Dave here, I think I have something that could be a game-changer for you. Remember all those brilliant ideas you’ve had that never quite made it off the ground? Or those moments when you felt your ADHD was holding you back in business? Well, what if I told you that your ADHD could actually be your secret weapon? I’m excited to announce our new Cheatcode Bootcamp - an 8-week program designed specifically for ADHD entrepreneurs like you. Here’s the deal: It turns your ADHD into an...

Hey Reader, So last week, OpenAI has published their 5 levels towards AGI, and they say that we are at Level 1, and GPT-5 will be the first Level 2. Some of our students and clients are already on Level 3 though. How could that be possible? Here is how OpenAI imagines our AI future: Level 1: Chatbots, AI with conversational language Level 2: Reasoners, human-level problem solving Level 3: Agents, systems that can take actions Level 4: Innovators, AI that can aid in invention Level 5:...

Hey Reader, Today, I wanna talk about a crucial concept in AI that many people don't even know about: the context window. Understanding this will revolutionize how you use AI tools like ChatGPT. The context window is the maximum amount of information a model can use at once. Think of it as the memory span of the AI during a conversation. When you notice the AI forgetting earlier parts of your chat, it's because it has exceeded its context window. Why context window is important Understanding...

Hey Reader, This one thing really baffles me about people using AI. I went to a friend's birthday party this weekend, and one of my old friends I used to ride BMX with said this: "Yeah, ChatGPT is so cool, I can ask it to tell me information about South African birds and their behaviour or anything like that." Inside, I was like: But then I nodded, and said: "Yeah, and you can do so much more cool stuff with it." I wanna pause here for a moment, because this is critical: Do. Not. Use. Chat....

Hey Reader, To celebrate Independence Day (as we are a US company after all), we're doing a flash sale on our Prompt Master AI Course. So starting from now until July 4th Midnight Pacific Time, you can get our flagship Prompt Master AI Course for only $99 (instead of $297)! To enable this on our website, just use "JULY4TH" at the checkout. By enrolling in this course (and completing it), you're going to become a Prompt Master: an individual who can integrate AI into business operations...